

Product #STM850

Regular Price: $65.00

Special Price: $55.00

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Manufacturer: Stonemaier Games

Wyrmspan Playthrough

You are an amateur dracologist in the world of Wyrmspan, a place where dragons of all shapes, sizes, and colors roam the skies. Excavate a hidden labyrinth you recently unearthed on your land and entice these beautiful creatures to roost in the sanctuary of your caves.

During a game of Wyrmspan, you will build a sanctuary for dragons of all shapes and sizes. Your sanctuary begins with 3 excavated spaces - the leftmost space in your Crimson Cavern, your Golden Grotto, and your Amethyst Abyss. Over the course of the game, you will excavate additional spaces in your sanctuary and entice dragons to live there, chaining together powerful abilities and earning the favor of the Dragon Guild.

Wyrmspan is inspired by the mechanisms of Wingspan, though its 16+ unique elements make Wyrmspan a standalone game (not compatible with Wingspan).

1 Dragon Guild Board
4 Double-sided Dragon Guild Tiles
183 Dragon Cards (57x87mm)
75 Cave Cards (57x87mm)
1 Card Display Board
1 Round Tracker Board
10 Double-sided Objective Tiles
5 Player Mats
10 Double-sided Quick Start Guides
1 Score Pad
Punchboard Components
  ‣ 45 Coins
  ‣ 25 Meat Tokens
  ‣ 25 Gold Tokens
  ‣ 25 Crystal Tokens
  ‣ 25 Milk Tokens
  ‣ 20 Multiplier Tokens
  ‣ 1 Start Player Marker
Wooden Components
  ‣ 55 Eggs
  ‣ 1 Round Marker
  ‣ 5 Adventurers
  ‣ 40 Player Markers
  ‣ 5 Guild Tokens
2 Token Trays w/ Lids
1 Rulebook
1 Automa Rulebook
1 Dragon Facts Book

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-5
Game Length: 90 minutes

Upgrade your game with the Playmat and Upgraded Components!

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• End Game Bonuses
• Hand Management
• Once-Per-Game Abilities
• Open Drafting
• Solo / Solitaire Game
• Track Movement
• Turn Order: Progressive