Malifaux 3E: Ten Thunders - Shadow Fate

Malifaux 3E: Ten Thunders - Shadow Fate

Product #WYR23725

Regular Price: $40.00

Special Price: $32.00

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Manufacturer: Wyrd

32mm Scale
Keyword: Ten Thunders Versatile

On occasion, agents of the Ten Thunders have discovered a small puppet clad in exotic fabrics sneaking through the shadows alongside them. While the criminal organization is reluctant to trust anything do not control, something about the puppet inspires trust and confidence among their members.

On the night that Governor-General Kitchener disappeared, Zoraida intended to funnel the energy of the ascending Tyrant into herself, but the power was greater than she anticipated and it instead leapt into seven new conduits...including the Shadow Effigy. In that moment, bathed in the raw power of transformation, the Effigy's old existence shattered and reforged into something new. Freed from its trappings, the Effigy took on a form more befitting the true spirit of the Three Kingdoms: a mighty dragon with the voice of thunder and wind.

After a time, the Shadow Emissary reverted back to its puppet form. With Zoraida's hold over it severed, the puppet was free to follow its own path, and it chose the path of servitude; specifically, servitude to the Ten Thunders, both as a puppet and as a dragon.

1 Shadow Effigy
1 Shadow Emissary

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly may be required.