Age of Sigmar: Destruction Battletome - Orruk Warclans (4th Edition)

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Destruction Battletome - Orruk Warclans (4th Edition) (New Arrival)

Product #GW-89-01-2025

Regular Price: $60.00

Special Price: $51.00

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Manufacturer: Games Workshop

Inside this book, you'll find:

 • Overview of the Orruk Warclans faction and fiction focusing on the Kruleboyz and Ironjawz

 • A thorough description of each unit

 • Faction rules including battle traits, battle formations, heroic traits, artefacts of power, Spells, and Manifestations for both Ironjawz and Kruleboyz

 • Ironjawz and Kruleboyz warscrolls, covering units, terrain, and Manifestations

 • Spearhead guide

 • Narrative Path to Glory rules, including the Anvil of Apotheosis, allowing you to create your own hero

 • Rules for three thematic Armies of Renown and two Regiments of Renown that can be added to other Destruction armies

 • Reference section with army abilities, magic, and battle traits

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