
Keepers (Last Chance)

Product #VRG011

Regular Price: $34.99

Special Price: $27.99

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Manufacturer: Van Ryder Games

Keepers Review

For a professional photographer there are some photos that are very special. The ones that are taken at just the right moment and under just the right conditions. When this happens, an image of a beautiful moment is etched in history forever. Thousands of photographs may be taken in search of that one, truly special moment. Those, my friends, are what we call Keepers.

Keepers is an interactive card game where players will try to outwit their opponents by playing card from their hand after hearing only a single word. Players all vote on which the most (or the least!) with the word and whichever card gets the most votes is a KEEPER!

120 Cards
1 Play Mat
8 Voting Dials
8 Keeper Tokens
1 Curator Token

Ages: 8+
Players: 3-8
Game Length: 15-30 minutes