Unsettled: Planet 003 - Zehronn (Preorder)

Unsettled: Planet 003 - Zehronn (Preorder)

Product #ONB0203

Available for Preorder
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Manufacturer: Orange Nebula

Estimated Release Date: January - March 2024.

Preorder items are not yet available. The quantity available and "in stock" notations are the quantities we have available for advance order.

If there are other items on the order, the entire order will not ship until all preorders release.

Image, contents, and release date are subject to change.

Zehronn is a cavernous labyrinth of ancient crystalline formations that house the enormous entombed bodies of a mysterious alien species. The memories of these ancient beings live on in the crystal, and-you'll soon find-in you. Navigating this world's mysteries will require quite the flexible mind.

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-4
Game Length: 60-90 minutes

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Unsettled: Framework is required to play.


• Action Retrieval
• Cooperative Game
• Modular Board
• Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game
• Tech Trees / Tech Tracks
• Variable Set-up