Roll Player

Roll Player

Product #TWK2000

Regular Price: $59.95

Special Price: $42.99

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Manufacturer: Thunderworks Games

Roll Player in 3 Mins
Roll Player Review

Mighty heroes don't just appear out of thin air - they must be created! Race, class, alignment, skills, traits, and equipment are all elements of the perfect hero, ready to take on the opposition in the quest for glory and riches.

In Roll Player, you compete to create the greatest fantasy adventurer who has ever lived, preparing your character to embark on an epic quest.

1 Dice Bag
60 Gold
6 Character Sheets
6 Charisma Tokens
73 Dice
101 Cards
12 Tracking Tokens
1 Rulebook

Ages: 10+
Players: 1-4
Game Length: 60-90 minutes

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• Dice Rolling
• Set Collection