Frog Soup

Frog Soup (Last Chance)

Product #TIKENSO1

Regular Price: $24.99

Special Price: $22.99

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Manufacturer: TIKI Editions Inc.

Today, the Witch is cooking a delicious Frog Soup. And you are frogs who have made your minds up not to end up in a Witch's brew! But will you be able to break her spells in time and spill the cauldron before she has finished her recipe?

1. Make your frogs jump
2. Knock down enchanted items
3. Cooperate and escape!

4 Plastic Jumping Frogs
8 Cardboard Figures
20 Plastic Stands
4 Cardboard Frog Houses
4 Cardboard Magic Circles
1 Cardboard Cauldron
6 Cardboard Ingredients
1 Rulebook

Ages: 5+
Players: 1-4
Game Length: 20 minutes

• Cooperative Game