Terrain Crate: Armageddon Sector

Terrain Crate: Armageddon Sector (Last Chance)

Product #MGCTC236

Only 2 left

Regular Price: $100.00

Special Price: $85.00

2 In stock
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Manufacturer: Mantic Games

Create a fantastic blasted landscape for epic battles with your favourite sci-fi war games. This amazing set contains all the ruined walls and scatter you need to create a great-looking spectacle on your table top.

Plastic components.

42 Terrain Pieces
  ‣ 2 Gothic Wall Set
  ‣ 2 Battlezones Wall Set
  ‣ 1 Scatter Set #1
  ‣ 1 Scatter Set #2
  ‣ 1 Craters Set

Color of components may vary from images shown.

Scenery supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly may be required.