Spicy Dice

Spicy Dice

Product #ENG1116

Regular Price: $17.50

Special Price: $13.99

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Manufacturer: Enginuity

In Spicy Dice, you can roll the dice as many times as you want on a turn to try to maximize your score - but you have only thirty dice rolls at most over the entire game, so take care when pressing your luck!

All 6 dice are different with one red number each.

  • Roll it! Flip it! Score it!
  • Red spots are hot!
  • Flip 'em or keep 'em for double score!
  • Trade markers for extra rolls!

Up to 4 can play with what's in this box, but for more fun or more players, get each player a set of dice and markers with an Expansion Pack.

6 Six-sided Dice
3 Markers (Same color as dice)
1 Cheat Sheet
1 Pouch

Ages: 8+
Players: 1-4
Game Length: 30 minutes

Note: Each base game contains a set of Spicy Dice in one of four colors. You will receive a color at random.

• Dice Rolling
• Push Your Luck