Southern Pacific

Southern Pacific

Product #RIO675

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Manufacturer: Rio Grande Games

The Civil War is over and it is time to get back to America's business, making money. The Railroads are the place to do it and the American Southwest is booming, with Robber Barons starting and funding railroads across Texas & beyond. Savvy investments will pay off handsomely, others not so much. What sort of dividends should be paid versus how much should be kept by the railroad for further expansion? Each Railroad president must decide for themselves, keeping the shareholders happy or being forced out in a hostile takeover.

3 to 5 players are the Robber Barons in this game of railroad building and market exploitation. The game lasts about an hour and there is no luck involved. Winners win by their wits and wits alone. The Southern Pacific, Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, Missouri-Kansas-Texas and the Galveston, Houston & Henderson railroads explode across the Southwest, searching for the most lucrative routes and making the stockholders rich.

1 Game Board
6 Railroad Treasury Boards
96 Railroad Cubes
30 Railroad Stocks
1 Bull Market Card
Rules Booklet

Ages: 14+
Players: 3-5
Game Length: 60 minutes

• Auction/Bidding
• Network and Route Building
• Stock Holding