Solasta: Campaign Rulebook (D&D 5E Compatible)

Solasta: Campaign Rulebook (D&D 5E Compatible)

Product #MUH172V001

Regular Price: $44.99

Special Price: $35.99

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Manufacturer: Modiphius Entertainment

You Make the Choices, Dice Decide Your Destiny

Roll for initiative and discover the shattered world of Solasta. This revised edition presents the full majest and depth of the popular Solasta: Crown of the Magister computer game and includes all of its unique archetypes for the first time! Explore ruins and dungeons for legendary treasures, learn the truth of the cataclysm that broke the world, and stop it all from happening again.

The Solasta: Campaign Rulebook not only contains the complete history for the world of Solasta, but it also presents the first-ever realm-by-realm guide to the continent of Ferandragh where the Solasta games are set, including an in-depth examination of the city of Caer Cyflen and the Badlands.

The book also contains a detailed breakdown of all the major religions of Solastas, as well as full rules covering all the species, monsters, classes, and magic designed for the fifth edition of the world's most popular roleplaying game.
