Turing Machine

Turing Machine

Product #SMQTM01

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Manufacturer: Scorpion Masque

Turing Machine Review

"Codes are a puzzle. A game, just like any other game."
- Alan Turing, The Imitation Game

Turing Machine is fast, demanding, and intense! Find the secret code using a "mechanical" computer that works with punch cards alone. Ask the machine the right questions and find the answer before everyone else.

1. Overlay three cards
2. Question the machine
3. Analyze and deduce the secret code

1 Machine Tile
1 Punch-card Support
45 Punch Cards
48 Criteria Cards
95 Verification Cards
50 Note Sheets
4 Player Aids
1 Dry-erase Marker

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-4
Game Length: 20 minutes

• Deduction