Sea of Lies

Sea of Lies

Product #MVB0043

Regular Price: $39.95

Special Price: $31.99

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Manufacturer: Mind's Vision

Welcome to the world of Sea of Lies, where the truth sinks and the lies float!

In this treacherous pirate adventure, the ship's captain mysteriously vanished and the players must get the crew's support to rise up and take command! Since thieves have no honor, tall tales will be told to gather the necessary votes from the crew, and it is up to the other competitors to smell if something is fishy.

Each player must deal with three types of tales: a major feat of strength, a creepy story, or a hot gossip. You can tell a story that matches a tale you picked during your turn or tell a complete lie. Other players can challenge your tale by putting their own crew members on the line: if you win, the support is yours. Get caught lying, and you lose your crew. But there's always a way to turn the tides since our cast of sea scoundrels is full of special abilities that can radically change the winds of fortune!

40 Tale Cards
12 Character Cards
7 Reference Cards
1 Main Deck Card
60 Crew Member Tokens

Ages: 14+
Players: 3-7
Game Length: 25 minutes

• Betting and Bluffing
• Storytelling
• Take That
• Variable Player Powers