Lucidity: Six-Sided Nightmares

Lucidity: Six-Sided Nightmares (Clearance)

Product #RGS0804

Regular Price: $30.00

Special Price: $17.99

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Manufacturer: Renegade Game Studios

Escape from the creatures of the dream realm by claiming their power for yourself. Or become a nightmare and hunt down any who dare stand in your way.

Roll dice and collect dreams to gai n the power you need to escape. Balance the shadowy monsters' influence or become a twisted Nightmare - attacking your former friends and preventing them from gaining more power than you.

Be the first to escape...or the most powerful Nightmare remaining.

80 Custom Dice
9 Cards
4 Large Player Cards
4 Markers
1 Bag
1 Rulebook

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-4
Game Length: 20-30 minutes