Holiday Gifts: Games for Families
on Nov 10, 2017

Get the whole family into CSI mode as you scour crime scenes in Sherlook! Trying to correctly spot all of the differences between two crime scenes before anyone else will have your muscles tense, your brain burning and your ego bruised! The ultimate, "Doh! Oh, yeah!" game!

Jason Brown (Guest Contributor): Head of sales and acquisitions for the Card Game Department at Miniature Market. He has been playing Magic since 1994 and has been on the retail side of the industry for 14 years. As a player with a long history of putting Magic goodies on his holiday wish list, he has selected an assortment of the most exciting Magic products of the year to get for the Magic player on your shopping list.
Magic the Gathering: Explorers of Ixalan - Game Pack Magic the Gathering: Archenemy: Nicol Bolas - Game Pack Magic the Gathering: Commander 2017 - Deck Set Magic the Gathering: Duel Decks - Merfolk vs. Goblins
Gather 'round the table with up to four of your favorite family members and friends with this new twist on Magic the Gathering. Splashy multiplayer effects and a unique exploration mechanic will spice up your normal Magic gatherings this holiday season and beyond!
Naughty or nice - which side of Santa's list did you fall on this year? With Archenemy: Nicol Bolas, one player gets to battle as the ruthless dragon planeswalker while three other players try and save the (holi)day.
If there's one thing that you can count on to bring cheer each and every year, it's Magic's yearly Commander release. Play as one of four fan-favorite tribes (Dragons, Vampires, Wizards, or Cats) against your family and friends in an epic showdown. Don't forget the milk and cookies!
This holiday, remember: Peace on Earth, goodwill to man... but not Merfolk or Goblins. While we don't usually condone dueling during the holidays, we can make an exception for this fun clash of tribes. Playable right out of the package, you'll be riding the waves with merfolk and flinging hapless goblins in no time.

Joe Ploch (Guest Contributor): Lifelong gamer and former buyer at Miniature Market. Designer of board games, Game Plus Products and Ironclad Games.
Codenames: Marvel Edition
Secure your assets by listening to your clues. Be the first team to correctly identify all of your cards on the board to win!
Kaleidos Mag-O-Mag Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle
Everyone in the family can enjoy this simple and fun hidden picture game. You pick a letter and a picture and try to find everything starting with that letter- which may lead to some unexpected results. The fun is in arguing over whether someone's interpretations are legitimate or not.
If thereâs one thing the whole family can agree on, itâs magnets. And like magnets, this neat maze game that uses them will bring your crowd together as communication is required to navigate the two-sided board. Itâs designed by the man who did Catan, so it has a great design pedigree and itâs from Kosmos, one of the top European publishers.
If you find yourself in need of entertaining some familial Potterheads, Hogwarts Battle is a great choice. This is an easy-to-play, cooperative deckbuilder with a built-in campaign system so that you and yours can play through all seven years at the fabled institution. It ramps up in complexity as you play, so even the less gamer-ly family members can get into it and fight the good fight against Lord Voldemort.

is a simple yet clever twist on Dominoes for the whole family. In Kingdomino, you play as lords who wish to expand their kingdoms. On each turn, players try to connect a new tile to their kingdom, and they can do so as long as at least one of the tileâs sides has a terrain type that matches the terrain of an adjacent tile in their kingdom.
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle
is a cooperative deck builder game for 2-4 players for any family of Potterheads. You play one of 4 characters (Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville) trying to protect the wizarding world from Lord Voldemort.
Shiba Inu House by Renegade Game Studios is a super fun dexterity game with a solo game play option. Players compete with each other to place cards and create doghouses for the Shiba Inu that match patterns on their goal cards.