R4I Classes & Creatures Dice: Cleric's Divinity (Special Reserve) (7)

R4I Dice w/ Arch'd4: Classes & Creatures: Diffusion - Cleric's Divinity (Special Reserve) (7) (Last Chance)

Product #R4I50523-7CS

Regular Price: $14.99

Special Price: $12.99

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Manufacturer: Role 4 Initiative

Each set of R4I dice averages about 25% larger in size than traditional dice for higher visibility and better rollability! The Balance'd20 is mathematically-balanced and gives your game the best distribution of d20 rolls possible.

This set of dice is part of R4I's Classes & Creatures Collection which has a thematic color design representing an iconic RPG character class and includes Arch'd4, d6, d8, d10, d%, d12, and Balance'd20.

This Special Reserve edition also features class symbols on the d20 and d8 to further emphasize the class's characteristics.

1 Arch'd4
1 d6
1 d8
1 d10
1 d10%
1 d12
1 Balance'd20

Due to the unique design of these dice, coloring and color ratios will vary from set to set and may not be exactly as pictured.