Quartz: The Dice Game

Quartz: The Dice Game

Product #LKY-QTZ-R01-EN

Regular Price: $25.00

Special Price: $20.00

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Manufacturer: Lucky Duck Games

In this dice version of Quartz, the bet remains the same: Everyone must explore the mine and sell the mined crystals in the city at the end of the day. The dwarf who manages to collect the most money will have the mine all to himself.

At the end of the game everyone receives points according to the value of the crystals they have, being entitled to bonus points for collections of equal crystals. Each unstable crystal will penalize its owner 3 points less and the player with the fewest crystals in the chest loses 5 points.

70 Plastic Crystals
1 Leader Market
1 Rulebook
18 Reroll Markers
6 Mining Carts
1 Cloth Bag
6 Chests
5 Dice

Ages: 10+
Players: 3-6
Game Length: 15-30 minutes

• Dice Rolling
• Push Your Luck
• Set Collection