Imperial Settlers: Rise of the Empire

Imperial Settlers: Rise of the Empire

Product #POG1211

Regular Price: $40.00

Special Price: $28.99

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Manufacturer: Portal Games

Rise of the Empire @ 2:16:40

Discover new inventions, conquer provinces, and achieve greatness! Throughout time, many great leaders, scientists, and artists have paved the way toward progress and consequence - now it's your turn.

Rise of the Empire is an expansion that introduces you to an Open World Campaign. 1-4 players take on history, beginning in your own personal age of antiquity, and marching toward the modern era. Witness the rise of your empire!

163 Cards (63x88mm)
  ‣ 55 Provinces
  ‣ 66 Inventions
  ‣ 42 Quests
12 Quest Markers
32 Progress Tokens
48 Sheets
1 Rulebook

Ages: 10+
Players: 1-4
Game Length: 45-90 minutes

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Imperial Settlers is required to play.

• Card Drafting
• Hand Management
• Take That
• Variable Player Powers