Conquest: Dweghom - Ardent Kerawegh

Conquest: Dweghom - Ardent Kerawegh

Product #PBW7331-AK

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Manufacturer: Para Bellum Wargames

38mm Scale

As a faction based on the exaltation of freedom, the Ardent struggle mightily with the questions of leadership and organization, particularly as the roles and influence of the Mnemancers is rather limited within their creed. The Ardent are organized around authoritative individual figures, who have been elected by their peers and subordinates to lead. These are almost universally powerful and popular warriors, whose exploits command the respect of their peers. While few hard-and-fast rules exist on the requirements and procedures of leadership amongst the Ardent, one thing is clear: to lead amongst the Ardent, one must not merely have undergone the Dheukorro, the Descent, but must fully embrace it as a way of life.

Resin components

1 Miniature
1 Base
1 Card

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly may be required.

Conquest now offers an entire, two-in-one wargaming experience, all with the same Conquest minis: The Last Argument of Kings and First Blood! Veteran Conquest players already have everything they need to play First Blood; one would only need to download the FREE First Blood rules. For newcomers, as one's collection grows, it provides one with the opportunity to use one's Models to play its Mass Battles brother, again, simply by downloading the FREE rules of both game play styles. The First Blood rules are available here.