Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms - Noble Lord

Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms - Noble Lord

Product #PBW7223

Regular Price: $24.99

Special Price: $19.99

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Manufacturer: Para Bellum Wargames

38mm Scale

Observing the history of the Hundred Kingdoms and their nobles, it is perhaps no surprise that the vast majority of their houses have strong military traditions. When the Long Winter receded and humanity ventured far from the shores of the Bitter Sea, the Orders were stretched too thin to control the nobility. Soon, the paradigm of "might is right" resurfaced among both aspiring and established rulers. To command swords became a matter of survival, to command them effectively promised a long rule and conquest. While the legitimacy of the Divine Right of Kings offered by the Theist Church has swayed many, the old nobility knows that power flows from the edge of the blade.

Few question that many a noble's right to command does not derive simply from the blood coursing through their veins. The prestigious martial tradition of the Hundred Kingdoms demands leaders whose men believe in, whose training and experience foster confidence and whose skill demands admiration. A Noble Lord who issues orders can reasonably expect his men to storm the battlement, one that leads from the front knows his men would brave the gates of hell.

Resin components.

1 Noble Lord
1 Command Card

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly may be required.

Conquest now offers an entire, two-in-one wargaming experience, all with the same Conquest minis: The Last Argument of Kings and First Blood! Veteran Conquest players already have everything they need to play First Blood; one would only need to download the FREE First Blood rules. For newcomers, as one's collection grows, it provides one with the opportunity to use one's Models to play its Mass Battles brother, again, simply by downloading the FREE rules of both game play styles. The First Blood rules are available here.