Norman Conquests

Norman Conquests

Product #GMT2319


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Manufacturer: GMT Games

Men of Iron, Volume V

The Men of Iron series is designed for quick learning and easy play. Game rules are short, there are no turns - play is continual, with opportunities to steal play from your opponent - and combat resolution is a single die roll. Playing time is about 1-3 hours per battle.

The series is also for the gamer who enjoys playing solitaire. The system is designed for both individual and face-to-face play without any loss in insight or fun. It allows a player or players to see what happened in these famous battles and why. Ther are no purpose-built solitaire rules, but many players play that way.

This entry features units such as crossbows, men-at-arms (mounted, dismounted, and unhorsed), axe-armed infantry (Saxon & Viking housecarls), pike (or other polearmed armed) infantry, archers, and a few Welsh longbows. Commanders featured are such luminaries as: Robert Guiscard, Norwegian King Harald III (Hardrada); Saxon King Harold II; William II (aka the Conqueror), Duke of Normandy; English King Henry I; English King Henry III; Edward, Lord of Chest (later King Edward I); and Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester.

Battles Included:

  • Civitate: Eastern Italy, 18 June 1053 - The Normans, with rising star Robert Guiscard, tangle with a Papal Army leading to the Pope's capture when his army is lost.

  • Fulford: Northern England, 20 September 1066 - Harald Hardrada, King of Norway, defeats two Saxon Earls as part of his invasion of England.

  • Stamford Bridge: Northern England, 25 September 1066 - Harald Hardrata dies in battle and his army is defeated by Harold II, King of England, ending this Norwegian invasion of England.

  • Hastings: Southern England, 14 October 1066 - Harold II dies in battle trying to repel Duke William of Normandy's invasion of England. Willaim goes on to conquer all of England, earning the sobriquet William the Conqueror.

  • Tinchebrai: Normandy France, 28 September 1106 - Two of William's sons fight to reunite William's conquests. Henry I, King of England, defeats his brother Robert Curthose.

  • Lewes: Southern England, 14 May 1264 - Henry III, a descendant of William the Conqueror, is defeated and captured by rebellious Barons led by Simon de Montfort.

  • Evesham: Midlands England, 4 August 1265 - Edward, Prince of Wales (and future Edward I), escapes from captivity, raises an army, and defeats the Simon de Montfort. With Simon's death in the battle, Henry III is freed and resumes ruling England unfettered.

3 Game Maps (22" x 34")
2.25 Sheets of 9/16" Counters
3 Player Aid Cards
1 Rules Manual
1 Battle Book
2 d10

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-2
Game Length: 60-180 minutes per battle

• Dice Rolling
• Hexagon Grid
• Simulation