Mini Crimes: The Strange Cup

Mini Crimes: The Strange Cup (New Arrival)

Product #PEG19156.USA

Regular Price: $5.99

Special Price: $4.99

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Manufacturer: Pegasus Spiele

In Mini Crimes: The Strange Cup, the now-struggling soccer club's most valuable trophy has been swapped out for a fake - despite being safely secured in an alarmed display case. How was this possible?

Welcome to a bite-sized world of mystery and Mini Crimes.

This series of cooperative investigative puzzles will tease your powers of observation and deduction. Whether playing together with friends or solo, you must carefully examine a crime scene and up to ten pieces of evidence. All the while, the clock is ticking - you will all be scored for your investigative efficiency and the accuracy of your conclusions.

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-6
Game Length: 20-40 minutes

• Cooperative Game
• Deduction
• Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game
• Storytelling