Magnate: The Boardgame Economy Promo

Magnate: The Boardgame Economy Promo

Product #NLR01MAG003

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Manufacturer: Naylor Games

This promo created to celebrate the retail launch in Feb 2022. It features a unique set of 4 new tenant cards and 8 corresponding tenant tokens with a special boardgame theme.

Tenants: Game Cafe, Game Distributor, Indie Game Publisher, Boardgamer

Ages: 10+
Players: 1-5
Game Length: 60-120 minutes

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Magnate: The First City is required to play.


• Action Points
• Auction/Bidding
• Dice Rolling
• Modular Board
• Push Your Luck
• Simulation
• Stock Holding
• Tile Placement