Magical Kitties 2E RPG: Kitty Noir

Magical Kitties 2E RPG: Kitty Noir

Product #AG3124

Regular Price: $14.95

Special Price: $10.99

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Manufacturer: Atlas Games

Welcome to Sunset City, where there's always something fishy going on. . . and we're not talking tuna here. Whether it's the robbery of a priceless work of art, or an unexplained case of amnesia, the kitties of Sunset City have their paws full. That's why they've formed the Cat Eyes Detective Agency. Because even though human detectives are pretty good at their jobs, sometimes it takes magic to uncover what's REALLY going on in this town.

And what IS really going on? Why are there no smart phones or computers, but only old-fashioned telephones and radio? Why do the people not remember their lives outside this city? Why are normally good neighbors stealing jewels, kidnapping kitties, and blackmailing the mayor? With a little digging, kitty detectives will find there's much more to Sunset City than meets the eye. Someone has frozen the city in time, inside a magical bubble, and they don't want anyone to know about it!


 • A brand new hometown, Sunset City, to launch your new detective series or introduce an intriguing mystery that any visiting kitty can uncover!

 • As part of the Cat Eyes Detective Agency, magical kitties work together to solve crimes and discover the secrets of Sunset City.

 • Kitty Noir takes its inspiration from classic film noir and crime movies from the 1930s-1950s, and from Golden Age science fiction stories of time travel.

 • Includes a full-sized poster map of Sunset City, to boot!

Table of Contents
Magical Kitties in Noir
Running Noir
Sunset City Problems
Noir Supporting Cast
Noir Foes
Noir Disasters
Noir Adventures

34 pages