Star Trek Fluxx: Archer Expansion

Star Trek Fluxx: Archer Expansion

Product #LOO-116

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Manufacturer: Looney Labs

Add some Enterprise flavor to your collection of Star Trek Fluxx decks! The first of two Enterprise-themed expansion packs focuses on Captain Archer and the Temporal Cold War, and also includes Daniels, a Temporal Rift, and the Xindi. The set also contains a new Meta Rule called Combined Decks, designed specifically for optimizing gameplay with more than one Fluxx deck. The Archer Expansion pack works with any of the standalone Star Trek Fluxxes, but for maximum fun, shuffle these cards together with as many of the Trek Fluxxes as you have!

16 Cards

Ages: 8+
Players: 2-6
Game Length: 5-30 minutes

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of any of the Star Trek Fluxx base games (Original Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, or Voyager) is required to play.

• Hand Management
• Set Collection