Crime Zoom: Case 2- A Bird of Ill Omen

Crime Zoom: Case 2 - A Bird of Ill Omen

Product #LKYCRZR02

Regular Price: $14.99

Special Price: $11.99

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Manufacturer: Lucky Duck Games

Crime Zoom is an investigation game for 1 to 6 players that plays in about one hour. The investigation begins with an illustrated crime scene that is made up of several cards. Turning over a card allows you to discover leads that you can choose to follow or not. You can investigate freely by following the clues that seem most relevant or choose to stop when you believe you have an understanding of the plot.

Once you think your investigation is complete you must answer the important questions: who is the culprit, what evidence can prove this, and what was the motive?

55 Cards
1 Rulebook

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-6
Game Length: 60 minutes

• Cooperative Game
• Narrative Choice / Paragraph
• Storytelling