Kiri-ai: The Duel

Kiri-ai: The Duel

Product #LKYKIAR01EN

Regular Price: $14.99

Special Price: $11.99

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Manufacturer: Lucky Duck Games

Kiri-ai: The Duel Playthrough

"Two Samurai face each other on the cliff's edge.
Cloudy skies darken the night.
The moon breaks through as they strike."

Become the ultimate samurai duelist by out-planning your opponent and delivering the decisive strike.

Kiri-ai: The Duel is a quick and strategic 2-plyer game where every move could lead to victory or death. Each turn, players place cards face down and reveal them at the same time to carefully move your samurai into range, deliver deadly attacks, or a devastating special attack. Perform a dash and follow it with a close strike while your opponent is out of position, or perform two attacks in a row to catch them off-guard.

Every action matters in a duel to the death!

16 Cards (59 x 86mm)
1 Samurai Wallet

Ages: 13+
Players: 2
Game Length: 5-10 minutes

• Hand Management