Heroes of Normandie: War Stories #00 - Hell's Fury

Heroes of Normandie: War Stories #00 - Hell's Fury

Product #DPG-HON-203-244

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Manufacturer: Devil Pig Games

American troops are advancing into Germany. The beast is wounded but still dangerous. After many adventures, Wardaddy's Sherman runs over a mine and is immobilized at a crossroads. The radio broke down and has to be repaired as soon as possible. But young Norman, out on a reconnaissance mission, returns with grim news. An SS battalion is heading straight for their tank. Wardaddy convinces his men to stay and resist. They will hold to the last!

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Heroes of Normandie is required to play.

Note: This is contains both English and French Versions of the game

• Dice Rolling
• Grid Movement
• Variable Player Powers