Great Battles of Julius Caesar: Deluxe Edition

Great Battles of Julius Caesar: Deluxe Edition

Product #GMT2201

Regular Price: $115.00

Special Price: $86.99

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Manufacturer: GMT Games

Great Battles of Julius Caesar: Deluxe Edition is a reprinting of two classic Great Battles of History titles: Caesar: The Civil Wars, published in 1994, and Caesar: Conquest of Gaul, published in 1996 anad reprinted in 206, along with an additional eight battles published in their supporting modules.

Great Battles of Julius Caesar: Deluxe Edition traces the evolution of the Roman military system from early battles against various foreign foes, Caesar's wars in Gaul followed by Caesar's wars against his Roman rivals, and culminating with the Roman invasion of Britain a century later.

The scenarios vary in size from four large battles using 1.5 mapsheets, six small battles using a half mapsheet, and twelve using a full-size mapsheet. The counter mix includes 43 distinct cohort style legions, a host of specialty type auxiliary units, numerous tribal infantry and cavalry units, and some old favorites from SPQR - Elephants, Chariots, and even the double-sized Phalanx. Along with the typical set piece battles, several battles feature the use of fortifications, one an amphibious invasion Roman style, and one a full blown naval battle using a subset of the War Galley rules.

Includes 20 Battles:
  Marius & Sulla
 • Cirta 106 BCE (Jugurtha)
 • Vercellai 101 BCE (Dictator)
 • Chaeronea 86 BCE (Dictator)

  Caesar's Gallic Wars
 • Bibracte 58 BCE (COG)
 • The Rhine 58 BCE (COG)
 • The Sais 57 BCE (COG)
 • Bay of Biscay 56 BCE (COG)
 • Britannia 55 BCE (COG)
 • Lutetia 52 BCE (COG)
 • Gergovia 52 BCE (Gergovia)

  Caesar's Civil Wars
 • Dyrrachium 48 BCE (TCW)
 • Lesnikia 48 BCE (TCW)
 • Pharsalus 48 BCE (TCW)
 • Nicopolis 48 BCE (Veni, Vidi, Vici)
 • Zela 47 BCE (Veni, Vidi, Vici)
 • Ruspina 46 BCE (TCW)
 • Thapsus 46 BCE (TCW)
 • Munda 45 BCE (TCW)

  Roman Conquest of Britannia
 • The Medway 43 CE (Caratacus)
 • Wales 51 CE (Caratacus)

7.5 Counter Sheets
6 Back-printed Maps (22" x 34")
1 Back-printed Map (11" x 17")
4 Player Aid Cards (11" x 17")
1 Turn Record & Rout Point Track Display
2 Player Aid Cards (8.5" x 11")
1 Rules Book
1 Scenario Book
1 Naval Rules Book
1 Naval Rules Player Aid Card (8.5" x 11")
2 Six-sided Dice
1 Ten-sided Die

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-4
Game Length: 120-540 minutes

• Hexagon Grid