Orchard: 9 Card Solitaire Game

Orchard: 9 Card Solitaire Game

Product #GMG001

Regular Price: $15.00

Special Price: $12.99

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Manufacturer: Giga Mech Games

Grow your orchard and harvest as much fruit as you can by playing cards so that the fruit trees overlap other trees bearing the same fruit. The more trees you overlap, the more fruit you'll pick. How fruitful will your harvest be? Pal-tree? Forget-apple? or plum-believably pear-fect?

Includes multiplayer rules - this requires one copy of the game per player.

18 Orchard Cards
15 Custom Fruit Dice
  ‣ 5 Apple
  ‣ 5 Pear
  ‣ 5 Plum
2 Rotten Fruit Tokens

Ages: 14+
Players: 1
Game Length: 10 minutes

• Melding and Splaying
• Pattern Building
• Tile Placement