Flames of War: WW2 - Fallschirmjager Company

Flames of War: WW2 - Fallschirmjager Company (Last Chance)

Product #FOW-GBX136

Regular Price: $60.00

Special Price: $54.00

6 In stock
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Manufacturer: Battlefront Miniatures

1:100 Scale
Suitable for Late-War

The paratroopers of the Fallschirmjäger divisions saw themselves as the best of the best. After jumping out of aircraft, combat held little fear for them, whether stubbornly defending or launching their own attacks to push the Allies back.

Plastic components.

2 Formation Command MP40 SMG Teams
2 Unit Leader MG42 & K98 Rifle Teams
18 MG42 & K98 Rifle Teams
4 Panzerschreck Anti-tank Teams
4 Unit Cards

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly may be required.