Flames of War WW2: Volksturm Platoon

Flames of War WW2: Volksturm Platoon

Product #FOW-GE828

Regular Price: $27.00

Special Price: $22.99

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Manufacturer: Battlefront Miniatures

1:100 Scale

With the tide of war now against Germany, the Volkssturm (People's Militia) represents its last line of defence. The Volkssturm was drawn from ranks of the population previously considered unfit for military service, including younger boys (aged 13-18) and older men (many of whom were veterans of World War I).

38 Miniatures
  ‣ 9 K98 Rifle Teams with Panzerfaust (including one HQ team)
  ‣ 1 optional MG08/15 LMG Team
1 Small Three-hole Base
9 Medium Four-hole Bases
1 Hole Plug Sprue

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly are required.