Flames of War WW2: Panzer III Tank Platoon

Flames of War WW2: Panzer III Tank Platoon (Clearance)

Product #FOW-GBX195

Regular Price: $40.00

Special Price: $34.00

5 In stock
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Manufacturer: Battlefront Miniatures

1:100 Scale

By the summer of 1943, the Panzer III had a long and proven battle record. The tank was starting to show its age, but was up-armoured to bring it up to date. These tanks, though no longer serving with the frontline units, still found good service with the training units, and as the Allies closed in on the German heartland these workhouses were pushed back into battle again in 1945.

Plastic components.

4 Miniatures
  ‣ 4 Panzer III (5cm) or Panzer III (7.5cm) Tanks
1 Decal Sheet

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly are required.