Genesys RPG: Shadow of the Beanstalk Adversary Deck - Androids, Drones

Genesys RPG: Shadow of the Beanstalk Adversary Deck - Androids, Drones, & Synthetics

Product #FFGuGNS07

Regular Price: $6.95

Special Price: $5.99

3 In stock
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Manufacturer: Fantasy Flight Games

Androids, Drones, & Synthetics features 20 cards representing powerful adversaries from the Android Universe for use in the Genesys RPG. These cards feature vital stats for these adversaries, giving Game Masters all the tools they need to keep the game running while introducing new NPC's into your adventure!

Androids, Drones & Synthetics explores new life in the world of Android. From the Bioroids of Haas-Bioroid to the clones of Jinteki, populating your world with these characters will make it feel like the far-future, and this adversary deck keeps them right at your fingertips!

A copy of Shadow of the Beanstalk and Genesys RPG: Core Rulebook are necessary to use the contents of this deck.

Due to distribution restrictions we are only able to ship this product to the United States, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands.