Escape from New York: US Police Force Expansion

Escape from New York: US Police Force Expansion

Product #PNG934

Regular Price: $19.99

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Manufacturer: Pendragon Game Studio

This expansion introduces a game variant: The cop negotiation. In addition to their missions, the Heroes must also resolve tasks given during the game by Hauk if they want to get the Presidential pardon at the end. The Heroes may decide to help the Cops or even betray them, resolving their secret objectives. But beware, if they want to escape alone, they most also look for an explosive extractor to remove the deadly charge from their neck!

13 Miniatures
  ‣ 1 Bob Hauk
  ‣ 12 Cops
15 Task Cards
15 Reward Cards
5 Transition Cards
2 Item Cards
4 Action Cards
1 Case Card
1 USPF Board

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-4
Game Length: 40-90 minutes

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Escape from New York is required to play.


• Bluffing
• Deck Construction
• Hand Management
• Semi-Cooperative Game
• Take That
• Tile Placement