Enclave 16mm d6 Set: Amber (12)

Enclave 16mm d6 Set: Amber (12)

Product #ODD410051

Regular Price: $19.95

Special Price: $12.00

20+ In stock
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Manufacturer: Oakie Doakie

Enclave Dice feature the best of both worlds: solid on the outside, translucent in between. These dice might remind you of a meandering river which flows on and on through the wilderness - perfect for anyone who is up for adventures and ready to face the unknown!

Ultimate Guard compatible: The shelves in which the dice come packaged fit perfectly into the Ultimate Guard Flip'n'Tray 80.

12 Six-sided Dice (16mm)

Due to the unique design of these dice, coloring and color ratios will vary from set to set and may not be exactly as pictured.