Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms - Draugr Masters

Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms - Draugr Masters (Last Chance)

Product #MUH0330403

Regular Price: $52.99

Special Price: $42.99

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Manufacturer: Modiphius Entertainment

32mm Scale

Draugr Wights are powerful adversaries who make up the elite troops of the Draugr. Three Draugr Wights attack with their ice magic or close to engage with their Ancient Nord sword and shield. They are led by the dangerous Draugr Wight Lord wielding a fearsome two-handed axe. Floating malevolently, the Solstheim Dragon Priest wields magic with a skill unparalleled, and features the variation of mask seen only in that cold, distant land.

Resin components.

5 Miniatures
  ‣ 1 Solstheim Dragon Priest
  ‣ 1 Draugr Wight Lord
  ‣ 3 Draugr Wights
5 Scenic Bases (30mm)

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly are required.

For use with The Elder Scrolls: A Call to Arms Core Rules and the Chapter 4 Card Pack.