Dungeon Crawl Classics Dice: Mighty Dice of Arms (14)

Dungeon Crawl Classics Dice: Mighty Dice of Arms (14)

Product #GMG6069

Regular Price: $34.99

Special Price: $26.99

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Manufacturer: Goodman Games

New Mighty Deeds

Hail, mighty warriors and doughty dwarves! Whether a ferocious Valkyrie, villainous princeling, or axe-wielding slayer, Mighty Deeds of Arms are at once the most creative and powerful mechanic in the DCC RPG. Each attack is a new opportunity to cut a bloody swatch through your foemen, send their masters reeling, and transform the battlefield! Here we offer a pair of simple Mighty Deeds in the hopes that they inspire even greater, more creative feats of derring-do.

The Mighty Deeds are "Warrior: Heedless Attack" and "Dwarf: For Hearth & Home."

14 Dice
  ‣ 1 d3
  ‣ 1 d4
  ‣ 1 d5
  ‣ 1 d6
  ‣ 1 d7
  ‣ 1 d8
  ‣ 1 d10
  ‣ 1 d 10%
  ‣ 1 d12
  ‣ 1 d14
  ‣ 1 d16
  ‣ 1 d20
  ‣ 1 d24
  ‣ 1 d30
1 Rules Sheet

Due to the unique design of these dice, coloring and color ratios will vary from set to set and may not be exactly as pictured.