Manufacturer: Days Of Wonder

"Arrr, ye scalawags! Thar be booty here. Prepare for battle!"
Armed to the teeth, a ferocious bevy of pirate is swarming through the rivers, threatening your harbors. How will your Merchant Dwarves fare against the sea rats? Maybe you should have left when the Elves did...they told you, between picking flowers, they had used the Temple of the Seer and foreseen great trouble, but you figured they were just talking about those pesky Sorcerers. After the pirates, who knows what could happen?
With River World, discover new Small World maps, new places, and exciting challenges! Control harbors to score more victory points, use the caravel to reach the far end of the board, or use the Temple of the Seer to peer into the future...each turn, a special Event occurs: pirates, storms, or freezing cold. It is not easy living in River World!
4 Maps of River World
11 Event Markers
1 Caravel
12 Pirate Ships
Ages: 8+
Players: 2-5
Game Length: 40-80 minutes
This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Small World is required to play.
Due to distribution restrictions we are only able to ship this product to the United States, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands.
• Area Majority / Influence
• Area Movement
• Dice Rolling
• Variable Player Powers
• Modular Board