Elemental Evil #30 Solar Angel (U)

Elemental Evil #30 Solar Angel (U)

Product #DDEE-030

Out of stock
  • Out of Stock

Manufacturer: WizKids/NECA

Elemental Evil minis do not have stat cards.

Elemental Evil is the second set of randomly sorted monsters and heroes in the exciting new line of D&D miniatures, Icons of the Realms.

Bring forth the world of the Forgotten Realms to life with these new miniatures miniatures from the Elemental Evil storyline. Wage war against prophets, monsters, and elemental creatures to thwart their devious plans to wreak massive amounts of havoc upon the Material Plane!

This set does not have stat cards.

Product# DDEE-030
Universe: Dungeons and Dragons
Set: Elemental Evil
Number: 030
Rarity: Uncommon

Note: Reprints of this set will have clear bases instead of black. Outstanding and future orders may include figures with clear bases.