D-Day to the Rhine 1944

D-Day to the Rhine 1944

Product #WPUB083

Regular Price: $75.00

Special Price: $56.99

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Manufacturer: Worthington Publishing

Another great battle in World War II history, designed by Dan Fournie and using concepts from Worthington's Holdfast series, this fast-playing D-Day game will you hours of game play. The game includes variable objectives that are picked before the game begins, creating a great sense of tension as neither player truly knows his opponent's objectives before the game begins.

As the German player, you will set our defenses to meet the Allied landings. As the Allied player, you will land and try to break out and drive across France as quickly as possible. Can you cross the Rhine and break through the West Wall before Christmas?

Mounted Game Board
Counter Sheets
Rule book
Battle Objective Cards
Battle Archive
Order of Appearance
Counter Tray

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-2
Game Length: 120 minutes

• Action Points
• Dice Rolling
• Hexagon Grid