Convoke What Doom Ye Angels Hath Wrought (Mork Borg RPG Compatible)

Convoke What Doom Ye Angels Hath Wrought (Mork Borg RPG Compatible)

Product #EFPZ0056

Regular Price: $15.00

Special Price: $12.99

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Manufacturer: Exalted Funeral Press


 • Take control of a "Machination of Abaddon", a titan of flesh and steel and bone.

 • Find your pilot, soul bound to your hulking stature.

 • Harness the "desolation triggers" by mining your own sadness to supercharge your walking fortress. - Scream in horror as metal beasts go berserk and ransack "forsaken townships"

 • Tattoo yourself with "flesh scrolls" and unlock power previously bound to demonic entities. - Feel the warping power of angels of lust, gluttony, violence, and fraud. Their existence is constant pain.

 • Crawl through the depths of "in broken earth", discover the warring faiths of the wolf-devoted, and the organ faithful.
