Come Together

Come Together

Product #SMPCOT-001

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Regular Price: $65.00

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Manufacturer: Matagot

It is summer in 1960 and everyone seems to be gathering at the music festivals! Who doesn't want to see The Cascadians, Tikki Tooraid, and Great Western Cowboys this summer - but at which festival will they play? In Come Together, you should try to make YOUR festval the one that is spoken about in the years to come.

Come Together is a worker placement game wiht a special twist: You do not get the card you claim until a player activates that location. Playes will have to place their workers both strategically and tactically in order to get the artists, stages, camps, audience, and publicity they need.

The game also comes with an advanced variant in which plaeys use the asymmetric side of their player boards and get their own unique special power, that hopefully can be utilized in order to turn the tide in their favor.

1 Game Board
6 Double-sided Player Boards
189 Cards
12 Location Files
6 Newspaper Tiles
33 Stage Upgrade Tokens
174 Printed Wooden Pieces
  ‣ 90 Meeples (Audience)
  ‣ 18 Flower Power Tokens
  ‣ 60 Worker Tokens
  ‣ 6 Activation Tokens
37 Wooden Markers
  ‣ 1 Countdown
  ‣ 12 Scoring
  ‣ 24 Publicity
1 Rulebook

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-6
Game Length: 60 minutes

Due to distribution restrictions we are only able to ship this product to the United States, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands.

• Open Drafting
• Variable Player Powers
• Variable Set-up
• Worker Placement