Bolt Action: Afrika Korps Weapons Teams

Bolt Action: Afrika Korps Weapons Teams

Product #WLG402212013

Regular Price: $32.00

Special Price: $27.99

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Manufacturer: Warlord Games

28mm Scale

Infantry weapons teams are a key component of any Bolt Action army, providing as they do great tactical flexibility for your force. Sniper teams and anti-tank teams are among the most prevalent, presenting your opponent with multiple challenges to overcome.

Panzerbüchse is German for 'anti-tank rifle' but the sPzB 41 was effectively a small anti-tank gun with its own carriage and crew. This remarkable gun was designed on the 'squeeze bore' principle, with the bore reducing from 28mm to 20mm, propelling the shell to a much higher velocity than with a conventional anti-tank gun. This, combined with tungsten core ammunition, gave the sPzB 41 remarkable armour penetration at short ranges - though performance dropped off rapidly.

A variety of rifles were used for sniping, including the standard KAR-98K and the semi-automatic Gewehr 43, all fitted with the high quality ZF39 telescopic sight, and equipped with precision-manufactured ammunition.

Plastic Components

6 Miniatures
  ‣ 1 Panzerbüchse 41 Anti-Tank Gun with Three Man Crew
  ‣ 2-Man Sniper Team
2 Bolt Action Order Dice

Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Preparation and assembly are required.