WWIII Team Yankee: Rulebook

WWIII Team Yankee: Rulebook

Product #BFM-WW3-01

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Regular Price: $30.00

Special Price: $27.00

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Manufacturer: Battlefront Miniatures

This new edition of the rules includes a number of changes from the first edition of Team Yankee. Most of the changes bring World War III: Team Yankee in line with the latest edition of Flames of War.

One of the most important changes you will find in World War III: Team Yankee is to the Artillery rule mechanics. Those of you who also play Flames of War will recognise the new rules as essentially the same to those rules. Artillery has become more effective. This comes about by streamlining the mechanics with a simplified To Hit procedure with less modifiers. Terrain and night are covered as modifiers to the Ranging In roll, which is still based on the Spotting Team's Skill rating. To Hit is still based on the target team's Hit On number and modified only by the number of attempts to Range In, with re-rolls on successful hits for 1 or 2 weapons and failed hits for 5 or more weapons.