Battlespace: The Tabletop Solo Game of Ultra-Modern Military Combat

Battlespace: The Tabletop Solo Game of Ultra-Modern Military Combat

Product #MUH090V001


Regular Price: $45.00

Special Price: $36.00

11 In stock
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Manufacturer: Modiphius Entertainment

Welcome to the Game of Ultra-modern Military Missions

Shrouded in darkness, members of an elite military silently approach a dilapidated building. A door shatters, and they enter, advancing without fear, with the anticipation of inevitable close-quarter combat. These tier one operatives have a mission to complete. Failure isn't an option.

Select your fire team, enter the combat zone, and target your mission objectives. Be prepared for a multitude of situations and increasing tactical depth with each game. Play with ready-to-go soldier cards, or tailor the gear in each of your soldiers' loadouts. You can even build your soldiers from scratch with optional advanced rules.


 • 48-page rulebook includes basic rules, advanced options, 10 ready-made missions, and enemy AI for fluid, intuitive gameplay

 • 34 soldier cards representing operatives from 5 military forces, from CIA and Delta Force to British SAS, with every stat needed to start, and their own faction specialties

 • 21 gear cards from grenade launchers and drones to Caesar the Attack Dog

 • 18 enemy cards detailing Criminal Syndicates, Insurgents, Militia, and the Dark Lake Tactical Group private army, each with tailored tactics

 • 29 sitrep cards for a unique fog-of-war mechanic with a true sense of battlefield uncertainties, adding unique twists to the encounter, and adding ultimate replayability

 • Plus 2 Maneuver Cards
