ATMA Roleplaying Card Game: Act I

ATMA Roleplaying Card Game: Act I

Product #MEP302

Regular Price: $35.00

Special Price: $28.00

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Manufacturer: Meromorph Games

Welcome to a world near our own - but with curious ghosts, alien titans, and fledgling AIs.

ATMA delivers a full roleplaying experience in just 2 hours. Gab a deck and some friends, and let your creative storytelling shine. Build a narrative together using illustrated cards and a unique token system for tempo.

Characters fit on just 8 cards, including lore: easy to carry with you or learn as you play. Randomized stoyr and scene goals ensure that cards never play the same twice.

Act I contains 3 stage decks and 8 character decks for endless variety! They can be mixed and matched with any other Atma content.

8 Character Decks
  ‣ Arctura
  ‣ Clove
  ‣ Cyrano
  ‣ Indra
  ‣ Maud
  ‣ Rainpetal
  ‣ Tengu & Orochi
  ‣ Vestadt
3 Stage Decks
  ‣ Taiwu Rig
  ‣ Kuzimu
  ‣ Lua Nova Terminal
6 Dividers
2 Dice
15 Tokens
1 Rulebook

Ages: 13+
Players: 2-5
Game Length: 120-300 minutes

This game can be played on its own or combined with other ATMA Roleplaying sets for enhanced play.