Innovation (3rd Edition): Echoes of the Past Expansion

Innovation (3rd Edition): Echoes of the Past Expansion

Product #ASI0151

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Manufacturer: Asmadi Games

Innovative Items!
Echoes of the Past brings over a hundred new cards to the table. Each card in the set depicts an innovative item or object from history, all things which have changed the world in either subtle or obvious ways. These cards are used in addition to the ones from the base set. You'll drawn an Echo instead of a base anytime you havea hand of cards, but no Echoes already.
>br>New mechanics allow you to plan yoru future plays by foreshadowing card,s gain bonus points from special icons on cards, and even use the echo effects from cards that have been coveredf up!

Ages: 14+
Players: 2-4
Game Length: 45-60 minutes

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Innovation (3rd Edition) is required to play.

• Action Points
• Hand Management
• Set Collection
• Variable Phase Order