Altar Quest: Stretch Goals Box

Altar Quest: Stretch Goals Box (Clearance)

Product #ALTQ002

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Regular Price: $105.00

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Manufacturer: Blacklist Games

This Stretch Goals box is an expansion for Altar Quest that includes all of the content unlocked during the Kickstarter campaign.

Rival & Ally Figures - There are several rival and ally figures included in this box. These are intended to replace the rival and ally tokens in the base game.

Vraka - Vraka is a figure used when playing the Billy the Kindler villain deck. Vraka occupies space on the board, but is not considered an enemy and cannot be targeted or affected by the heroes. Characters cannot move through Vraka's space, but enemies can. Several cards in Billy the Kindler's villain deck will move Vraka around the board. When a card refers to Vraka's range, this means the range listed on the "Vraka" reference card. If Billy the Kindler is defeated, Vraka is removed from the game.

Call of the Lunarin - The Leyson Pines hero deck and the Lunarin threat deck that make up the Kickstarter Exclusive expansion, Call of the Lunarin. Special thanks to Isaac Childres, who worked as a guest designer on this content.

1 Game Board
5 Colored Altar Bases
135 Miniatures
  ‣ 4 Heroes
  ‣ 1 Leyson Werewolf
  ‣ 75 Minions
  ‣ 32 Traps
  ‣ 5 Villains
  ‣ 1 Broderick Werewolf
  ‣ 1 Vraka
  ‣ 4 Allies
  ‣ 4 Rivals
  ‣ 4 Features
  ‣ 3 Altars
417 Cards
  ‣ 136 Hero
  ‣ 105 Threat
  ‣ 52 Villain
  ‣ 60 Quest
  ‣ 3 Altar
  ‣ 2 Ally
  ‣ 4 Feature
  ‣ 15 Lurker
  ‣ 40 Hero Upgrade
18 Card Dividers
4 Plastic Base Rings

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-4
Game Length: 45-120 minutes

This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Altar Quest: Base Game is required to play.


• Cooperative Game
• Deck, Bag, and Pool Building
• Dice Rolling
• Grid Movement
• Hand Management
• Modular Board
• Variable Player Powers