The Alamo: Final Assault

The Alamo: Final Assault

Product #DV1-066A

Regular Price: $59.99

Special Price: $44.99

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Manufacturer: Dan Verssen Games

In The Alamo: Final Assault, players command an outnumbered Texas force against an opposing Mexican force. The Mexicans attack the Texans at the Alamo; James Bowie and William B. Travis prepare their defenses to hold. Can 250 defenders hold out against 2,000 attacking Mexicans to win, or will they be overrun?

Players will take turns playing one of their Texas attack cards in order to defeat one shown Mexican card and possibly a second unknown Mexican card in one of the four defending positions. Choosing when to use of their "Reload" cards to increase the Texas attack of fall back to regroup and possibly get an extra attack die for their new position.

Distributing attack cards to defeat the right Mexican cards at the right time is key to holding out as your Texas draw deck dwindles and "Crockett" and "Reload" cards run out. The Texans win when the Mexican deck is exhausted. Can they withstand a one-hour long final assault, will you become a legend of "The Alamo"?

1 Rulebook
1 Game Board
1 Location Marker
1 Time Marker
2 Dice
5 Reload Cards
6 Set Level Cards
11 Random Level Cards
13 Crockett Cards
67 Mexican Cards
66 Texas Cards

Ages: 14+
Players: 1-5
Game Length: 30 minutes

• Dice Rolling
• Events
• Simulation
• Solo / Solitaire Game